Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Ann Arbor Chevrolet Dealer Sponsors Girls on the Run Event

The leading Ann Arbor Chevrolet dealership, Bill Crispin Chevrolet, is pleased to announce their support of New Balance's Girls on the Run 5K Series.

The Girls on the Run 5K series, one of 85 events in the United States and Canada, is a culmination of GOTRSEMI's ten week session where girls (ages 8-12) partake in a life-changing character development program. Through running, girls recognize the importance of staying healthy and active while learning about their own personal power. Teams of 8 to 15 girls meet two times per week for an hour and a half. During the ten week after-school program, the girls not only train for their upcoming 3.1 mile run, but they also participate in self-esteem enhancing projects, uplifting workouts, and a community service project.

GOTR's goal is to encourage positive emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and physical development for girls during a confusing time in their life. Between the ages of 8 and 12 years old, girls are receptive to adults and begin to feel peer pressure. The 10-week curriculum helps each girl find and stay true to her real self.

The Girls on the Run program has a mission to prepare girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living. During the ten week character building program, girls interact with volunteer coaches and mentors where three important concepts are addressed: All About Me: Getting to know who I am and what I stand for; Building My Team: Understanding the Importance of Cooperation; and Community Begins with Me: Learning about community and designing a community project.

At the culmination of the ten week program, the girls participate in a non-competitive 5K race event that allows the girls to shine and experience an overwhelming sense of accomplishment.

The Leading Ann Arbor Chevrolet Dealer Sponsors Girls on the Run Event

As the dealer of Bill Crispin Chevrolet, your Ann Arbor Chevrolet dealer, and a member of the Board of Directors for Girls on the Run, Debbie Crispin understands the importance of inspiring young minds. Debbie instantly became determined to take part in the Girls on the Run program and began to promote their philosophy within her community. Debbie and her nine year old daughter have continued to be participants and supporters of the Girls on the Run program.

Your Ann Arbor Chevrolet dealer is excited to be a sponsor of the New Balance Girls on the Run 5K being held on November 21st. On November 20th, participants can pick up their t-shirt and goody bag along with visiting their sponsors including your Ann Arbor Chevrolet dealer.

The Girls on the Run 5k event will be held at the specialty center area at the Ellen Thompson Women's Health Center in Ypsilanti, Michigan. Over 1,000 girls will express “girl power” during their 3.1 mile run with family, teachers, and community members. Anyone who can run, walk, or skip is allowed to participate in the event .
Interested parties can register for $20 before November 19th or $30 on November 21st. All proceeds from the event benefit the Girls on the Run of Southeastern Michigan.

The leading Ann Arbor Chevrolet dealer, Bill Crispin Chevrolet, is excited to be a part of this celebratory race where participants will receive cheers and admiration along with life-changing lessons.

For more information on participating or volunteering at the New Balance Girls on the Run 5k event visit your Ann Arbor Chevrolet dealer.

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